Hold in Trust® is one of the many exercises in the Integrated Work of Leadership© Workbook. This workbook is a resource intended to help you identify and affirm your strengths and acquire the necessary tools and resources that will enhance and strengthen your capacity to lead.
There are dozens of models about dealing with change, but none can be effective without capable leaders who are in touch with who they are at their core. The personhood of the leader is a critical component at all levels. The capacity to see the individual, within an organization, within a community, is the ability to simultaneously see the whole and the parts.
Hold in Trust® involves being responsible for something (or someone) we don't posess, own, or over whom we do not have control. It is knowing that, when our responsibility is completed, we will have contributed to improving the health and functioning of individuals, organizations, and communities, and enhancing the lives and conditions for those we may never know in a time we may never see.
Integrated leaders hold individuals, organizations, and communities in trust. They understand what this means at a personal and profound level and are able to take what they gained from being held in trust and pass it own to others.
Trust holding is a generative process; a continuous cycle of giving that becomes transcendent of the giver. Being held in trust shapes and forms our character, relationships, and actions. The Integrated Work of Leadership© invokes examining your particular experience of being held in trust and what it meant in your life. We now invite you to explore and contemplate what it means to "Hold in Trust®".
When I hear the phrase "Hold in Trust®," these words, phrases, images come to mind on a blank piece of paper. Below you'll find some of the responses we have received from other participans in the Integrated Work of Leadership© Workbook.
Looking at the words, images, and phrases you've created, reflect on the following questions
Answer the following questions on another piece of paper.
Hold in Trust® is a registered trademark of Trustee Leadership Develement, author, Katherine Tyler Scott.
Contact us and we'd be happy to provide you with more information and additional resources.
Related Topics: Leadership Development, The Integrated Work of Leadership©, leadership, Integrated Model of Leadership, Organizational Development, Leading Change