Katherine Tyler Scott

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Preparing Clients for The Change Process

by Katherine Tyler Scott

Using this model, based on the work of William Bridges, Managing Transitions, Ki ThoughtBridge helps organizational leaders recognize and plan for the different stages of change, understand how change affects individuals and systems, and develop the adaptive skills for negotiating change and managing transition. We assist clients in implementing successful change efforts that are aligned with the values and business goals of the organization.

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Change Management

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Change Management: An Adaptive Skill of Integrated Leadership

by Katherine Tyler Scott

Organizational change triggers individual transition. Transition is the psychological process all individuals go through when change occurs. Transition brings anxiety, conflict and turmoil to organizations. The leader’s ability to manage the process of transition is critical to achieving business results while retaining your best people. Building on the work of scholars like William Bridges and John Kotter, Ki ThoughtBridge equips leaders with the tools and processes needed to lead change and manage transition.  

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Change Management, change, Leading Change